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Grain is an independent curated photobook store by Igor Zacharov based in Prague, Czech Republic.

My aim is to offer hand picked selection of titles that I believe deserve the attention of every photography enthusiast. All that you have to do is cherry pick to your taste.



The Imperfect Atlas

by Peter Funch

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Peter Funch’s latest project addresses the passage of time and man’s continued and evolving effects on the environment. Appropriately, Funch explores the Anthropocene by employing a photographic technique invented at the height of the Industrial Revolution, that of RGB tri-color separations.

Featuring images captured during Funch’s various trips through the Northern Cascade Mountain Range, the book is an imperfect recreation of landscapes and wilderness as depicted in the archive of vintage postcards and ephemera of the region the artist amassed throughout his travels.

Using maps and satellite imagery to locate the position where the postcard images were created, Funch recaptures the landscapes across three distinct exposures via red, green, and blue filters, transposed one on top of the other.

Published by TBW Books